Saturday, July 18, 2009
The African Lungfish

100 Portraits of Iconic People of All Time

100 Portraits of Iconic People of All Time | Webdesigner Depot: "Today we bring you a great collection of portraits of the most iconic people throughout history.
Portraits explore the relationship between the subject and the photographer or artist and usually continue to impress the viewer years after they have been created."
Weaving the way to the Moon
BBC NEWS | Technology | Weaving the way to the Moon: "As Apollo 11 sped silently on its way to landing the first men on the Moon, its safe arrival depended on the work of a long-haired maths student fresh out of college and a computer knitted together by a team of 'little old ladies'."
Game Show Problem
Game Show Problem: "Suppose you're on a game show, and you're given the choice of three doors. Behind one door is a car, behind the others, goats. You pick a door, say #1, and the host, who knows what's behind the doors, opens another door, say #3, which has a goat. He says to you, 'Do you want to pick door #2?' Is it to your advantage to switch your choice of doors?
Craig F. Whitaker
Columbia, Maryland"
Craig F. Whitaker
Columbia, Maryland"
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Vintage Boombox and Ghetto Blaster Museum

Pocket Calculator's Vintage Boombox and Ghetto Blaster Museum: "Precisely when the term was coined we're not sure. Department stores such as Sears and K-Mart began used it in their marketing as early as 1983. Merriam-Webster pins it at 1981, and defines the boom box as 'a large portable radio and often tape player with two attached speakers'. Initially, it became identified with a certain group of society, hence adopting epithetic nicknames, like ghetto blaster, and jam box."
Live On Letterman - Paul McCartney Webcast
The music legend performs a special mini-concert on top of the Ed Sullivan Theater Marquee. Songs include: "Coming Up," "Band on the Run," "Let Me Roll It," "Helter Skelter," and "Back in the USSR."
Most Unfortunate HBO Cancellations

Most Unfortunate HBO Cancellations | Ordable.com | Lists: "Though HBO tends to have the best shows on television, occasionally they'll unfortunately end a show's time before its due. These are some of those shows.
The reason why I'm not including shows like 'The Wire' is because I'm focusing on those short lived shows that didn't get a chance to truly finish out their tales."
How 16 Electronics Companies Got Their Names

How 16 Electronics Companies Got Their Names: "Most of us spend a lot of time staring at a computer or TV screen, playing video games, or gabbing into our cell phones. The brand names for these products are all familiar, but where did they come from in the first place? Just what is a Nokia? Here’s a look at the origins of some of your favorite tech and gadget companies’ names."
Want to keep your wallet? Carry a baby picture

Want to keep your wallet? Carry a baby picture - Times Online: "What would you do if you found a wallet on the street? Leave it? Take it to a police station? Post it back to the owner? Keep it, even?
The answer, scientists have found, depends rather more on evolution than morality.
Hundreds of wallets were planted on the streets of Edinburgh by psychologists last year. Perhaps surprisingly, nearly half of the 240 wallets were posted back. But there was a twist."
11 Surprising Facts and Myths About Microwave Ovens

11 Surprising Facts and Myths About Microwave Ovens : "A fixture in office break rooms, convenience stores and homes for decades, the microwave oven has been heating frozen foods, leftovers and even more elaborate meals for decades. In fact, some hip urban restaurants employ the familiar device to cook all their meals, from apps to entrees. Not only does this save energy and allow the restaurants to cope with small square footages in space-constrained districts, but it also offers a new retro-novelty, giving a wow factor to those who aren't familiar with the appliance's true versatility."
Sunday, July 12, 2009
America’s Hidden Treasures

Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines

Dolphin Inspired Personal Submarines | Toxel.com: "Innespace Productions have created a series of unique dolphin-inspired submersible boats that can jump, dive and roll like real dolphins.
Within the safety of a dry and sealed cockpit, you can enjoy the cruising speeds of 40 mph and underwater speeds of 20 mph."
More of America's Long-Running Restaurants

More of America's Long-Running Restaurants: The Readers' Selection - BusinessWeek: "With the recession blues and the restaurant industry's punishing reputation in mind, in May we published a series of profiles highlighting eateries across the country that have stood the test of time. New York's Fraunces Tavern, founded in 1762, was the oldest. While the list we assembled wasn't exhaustive, it certainly offered a window into the business practices that have allowed restaurateurs to survive decades of economic volatility, changing tastes, even natural disasters. We also encouraged readers to chime in with their own examples of long-running establishments. Dozens of readers made suggestions, some of which have been in operation since America's earliest days."
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